
StatusX is all about social discovery.

We are the social network for meeting new people and keeping them updated of your status. Everyday, all around the world, people make millions of new social connections. Now is your chance to do the same.

A Different Kind of Social Network

Other social networks are for staying in touch with people you already know. At StatusX, we make it easy to meet new people through social games, friend suggestions, browsing profiles, group interests and much more.

Express Yourself

StatusX members can express themselves by creating custom profiles to match their individual tastes. Upload your favorite video and share photos with friends. Join a group to declare an affiliation or create a new one.

Make One Friend or Millions!

StatusX is the place where people can discover hundreds of new friends or just meet that special someone. You can meet people from down the block or across the globe – everyone is just a few clicks away on StatusX.